El-Farouk Khaki

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El-Farouk Khaki


Tanzania, Canada

Birth - Death





Immigration lawyer and LGBTQ activist, forced to emigrate to Canada to avoid persecution. Founded Salaam in 1991, a support group for gay Muslims. Parade Grand Marshall, Toronto Pride Parade, 2003. Recipient of several awards for his work, including the 'Excellence in Spirituality Award – Pride Toronto (2006); Hero Award, Canadian Bar Association, The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Conference (2007); and the Steinert & Ferreiro Award from the Lesbian & Gay Community Appeal (2007). Co-founder of Canadian Muslim Union (of which he is Secretary General) as well as co-Founder of the Muslim AIDS Project. Co-founder & imam: el-Tawhid Juma Circle (2009) aka The Unity Mosque (recipient of The Harmony Award 2017). Reverend & Marriage Officiant – CS Memorial Church. Co-owner - Glad Day Bookshop (Toronto, Canada). Member, Advisory Board, Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV). African. Dervish. Father. Feminist. Gay. Human. Human Rights & Dignity Advocate. Husband. Imam. Immigrant. Lawyer. Muslim. Reverend. Son. Spirituality Activist. Writer. He/him pronouns. Currently working on his first book exploring intersectional identities, global issues, sexuality, refugees, social justice and spirituality.

See Also

Further Reading/Research

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