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Revision as of 16:13, 25 March 2016




The personal training industry is a huge global industry. Its rise in public presence has coincided with tremendous advances in communications, social media, health and welfare advice, and general concerns about personal lifestyle and longevity of life.

For a community that is often focused on looks, health and aging, there is not surprise that the LGBTQ presence in this industry is widespread. Many companies and individuals offer these services in their local communities. There is extensive training certification and professional development programs in the industry, though there are no standardized and formal certification programs that are mandatory to the the use of the designation.

Many successful and high profile LGBTQ personal trainers have gone on to star in television shows centered on fitness and lifestyle. This often leads to in-home media tools (such as dvds and YouTube videos). The fitness and lifestyle book publishing industry is very large and international. As a result of these developments, many of the high profile LGBTQ personal trainers have become media celebrities.

To see the complete list, read more informative commentary, and link to their individual biographies CLICK HERE

Directory of past 'Did You Know?' Articles See Here

The goal of QueerBio.com is to be the definitive online biographical reference source for the international LGBTQ community. Its database lists over 12,000 contemporary and historical figures who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer, and includes artists, sports figures, politicians, entertainers, business leaders, academics, activists, and more. The database is widely international in scope and is an ideal source for research and analysis with full search and sort functionality.

The mission is to inspire, educate, and motivate all generations of LGBTQ individuals and others through a collective knowledge of this international community.

Managing Editors: Mark S. Bonham, Connie Bonello, Gordon Dunbar

Search for a Biography

To search for an individual from the database of over 12,000 biographies, simply type the name in the Search Box located in the top right hand corner of this Home Page and click on GO.

Alternatively, you can view and scroll through the entire list of biographies by viewing the All Biographies section.

To search for LGBTQ individuals with a common characteristic (examples: all Nobel Prize winners, all Writers, all Politicians, all Tony Award winners, all Olympic Gold medal winners, all individuals of a specific nationality) simply type the characteristic in the Search Box located in the top right hand corner of this Home Page and click on GO. Results of your search will be displayed alphabetically by Last Name. A second Search Box will be displayed for you to search within the database of individuals with that common characteristic.

Subscribe to our Bi-weekly Email Biography Newsletter

By subscribing to our bi-weekly email Biography Newsletter you will receive a regular email twice per month containing informative stories about notable international LGBTQ individuals or groups.

Subscribe to our mailing list

* indicates required

Bonham Centre Awards Gala

Annual Awards established in 2007 to recognize individuals or groups that have made a significant contribution to the advancement and education of human rights issues surrounding sexual education. Click here to find out more about the Bonham Centre Awards, past recipients, and present nominees.

Our goal is to make QueerBio.com the go-to website for global biographical information on LGBTQ identified individuals. To do this requires a serious commitment of people and resources, so we need your help to fund and help this project grow. Click here for more information.

Books Available From QueerBio.Com

New books available

Notables: 101 Global LBGTQ People Who Changed the World reveals a group of select global Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) individuals whose accomplishments in their profession changed the world in some relevant way. Included are founders of various social movements, innovators in sports, leaders in business and politics, explorers and discoverers, instigators in religious movements, thinkers in philosophy, infamous villains, creators of new academic fields of study, and risk takers in the arts, culture, and entertainment worlds. 212 pages.

Champions: Biographies of Global LGBTQ Pioneers reveals a group of select artists, writers, politicians, lawyers, sports figures, activists, and religious figures from around the world who have helped shape the history of the LGBTQ community. Presented in a convenient notebook format. 114 pages.

Order for yourself, and the books also make an ideal gift for friends and family while supporting the development of QueerBio.Com