Gay Menswear Fashion Designers

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Fashion design has always had a large contingency of gay men who are prominent in the profession. This is perhaps not surprising given the extent to which the industry relies on leading-edge and extravagant design, a particular skill of many in the LGBTQ community.

Often notable for designing haute couture and ready-to-wear for women, there is a smaller group of gay men who design menswear. Most of them are highly visible and operate global brands either under their own labels, or associated with household name design firms.

Successful menswear style comes down to three important components: cut, fit and material (including colour, design and texture). There can be various degrees of success with each of these components, but the top designers manage to excel with all three in combination. Like design success in any field (including architecture, housewares, and others), financial success often relies on a standardized signature design manufactured with mass production and accompanied by global distribution. The first fashion designer ever to create and incorporate this into their business model was French women's wear designer Christian Dior, but menswear designers have followed his recipe. Success in menswear for many fashion designers has also lead to spin-offs in other fashion areas, including perfumes, jewelry, linens, housewares and more (a business strategy pioneered by fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent.

What is markedly different from women's wear is that menswear has no haute-couture category. Success depends much more on designing clothing for the everyday individual, forcing menswear designers to compete with each other more on their unique style of clothing.

Gay menswear fashion designers hail from all parts of the world. We have identified individuals from Canada, Australia, Great Britain, the United States, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Mexico, Belgium and Ireland. To read their fascinating biographies, simply click on their names.

See Also