John Boswell
United States
Birth - Death
1947 - 1994
Historian, author of the books 'Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe' (1994)(study of the "Adelphopoiia" liturgy, which Boswell argues, was for centuries used as a public liturgy to celebrate erotic relationships between people of the same sex) and 'Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality' (1980) (proposes that homosexuals were accepted before the 13th century, and then intolerance sets in), two of the most important books on the topics of christianity and homosexuality. The latter won the American Book Award for history, 1981. Professor of History and Department Head, Yale University. Helped organize the Lesbian and Gay Studies Center at Yale, which is now the Research Fund for Lesbian and Gay Studies. Known as a deeply moving speaker on a variety of topics, including aspects of his own life journey as an “out” gay Christian man. Died of Aids.