Notable LGBTQ Landscape Painters, Architects and Photographers
Landscape painting and photography are processes by which an individual creates art depicting natural scenes of mountains, forests, trees, plains, and forests. Similarly, landscape architecture is a process of creating liveable and functional outdoor spaces that adapt to the natural environment surrounding the project. They each embrace the living world in a wide sense, drawing the viewer's gaze into the vastness of the natural world and eliciting a sense of awe and wonder. In this sense, there is always a spiritual element to work.
Landscape art has existed for centuries in all societies. It has a special prominence in the history of Asian art that goes back thousands of years. Western art began to appreciate and incorporate the landscape as an art form beginning in the fourteenth century.
Perhaps the most known and relevant element of landscape art that has been embraced by the LGBTQ community is the rainbow. Its multiple colours have been adopted by the community as a symbol of the beauty and benefits of diversity in the world, adapted from the natural environment.
We have identified the following notable LGBTQ Landscape Painters, Architects and Photographers. Simply click on their names to read their fascinating biographies.
- Ken Duncan, photographer
- Claude Cormier, architect
- Arthur Erickson, architect
- Todd Longstaffe-Gowan, architect
- Clara Sipprell, photographer
- Lili Elbe, painter
Great Britain
- John Linnell, painter
- James Ogilvy, architect
Sri Lanka
- Bevis Bawa, architect
- Geoffrey Bawa, architect
United States
- Robert Giard, photographer
- Roger Montoya, painter