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Our goal is to make the go-to website for global biographical information on LGBTQ identified individuals. To do this requires a serious commitment of people and resources, so we need your help to fund and help this project grow.

    "Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it's a good place to start. It all comes down to education."
      ~ Jason Collins, Professional NBA Player and the first active male professional sports personality to come out as gay, April 29th, 2013

Accurate knowledge about the LGBTQ community is vital to breaking down barriers to tolerance and acceptance of different individuals around the world. Education is critical to this process, and will be a part of that education process.


  • To maintain this valuable reference website, we need to retain committed individuals, including students, to maintain and add additional information to existing biographies, research new entrants and add them to the database, review and ensure the accuracy of the database, update biographical profiles, add relevant pictures and videos to biographies, and much more.
  • To invest in the technology and software enhancements to keep functioning properly and efficiently, add software improvements to keep the website efficient, and repair quickly any software issues that may arise.
  • To add more projects to, including guest editorials, daily news updates, reader feedback and forums, and much more.

Thank you for your generous support and help.