LGBTQ Authors of Children and Teen Books

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The authors of books for children and teens (often classified as Young Adult) who identify as LGBTQ play an important role in the community. Although the subject matter of their books may not always deal directly with the issues of a child’s sexuality, they often introduce concepts of respect, diversity and tolerance into their works. Introducing such issues at an early stage in the development of a child’s outlook and behaviour has been shown to greatly influence their behaviour later in life. Who doesn’t recall being immersed in books of travel, adventure, learning, and wonder as a child?

It has often been said that books do not create identities, but they certainly can affirm them. It is known that youth are drawn to books about themselves and that reflect the life they live and want to live.

A good number of the books by these authors do have LGBTQ characters and relationships with age appropriate stories, respectful characters and quality content. The genres range from pop-up books to comics, to teen novels. Often, the stories explore the experiences of the authors in their own childhood.

As this genre of writing has become more popular, the central story lines have changed from the common one of youth struggling to come out to more diversified and intricate stories of everyday life. The subject matter of the books now reflect the confidence of their central characters as to who they are sexually. They delve into more intricate issues around what it means for an individual to identify as LGBTQ in their lives and their communities.

What is required next in the genre is books with multiple and intersectional LGBTQ characters with different identities around gender and sexual orientation.

Many LGBTQ authors of children and teen books are famous in their home countries and often around the world. They have appeared in the New York Times Bestseller List, have received Emmy awards for their work, have been appointed to prestigious literary boards, and have received national honours. Some have used their writing talents and fame to advance causes in the LGBTQ community and have become noted activists, while others are teachers or academics at higher education institutions.

We have identified the following LGBTQ children and teen authors from Brazil, Russia, Finland, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, Nigeria, Jamaica, the United States, and Mexico. Simply click on their name to read their fascinating biographies.







Great Britain






The Netherlands

United States

U.S. Virgin Islands

See Also

Further Reading/Research

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