Appeals Court Judges Who Identify as LGBTQ

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Appeals Courts, also referred to as an Appellate Court, are unique legal institutions. An appeal is available of a lower court decision if the losing side has issues with the Trial Court proceedings, the law applied, or how the law was applied. The review can be based on fact or law. In some jurisdictions, there are limited powers of appeal. In many cases, the Appeals Court has the final say on the matter, while in other cases the Supreme Court can be the court of final appeal.

Only recently have LGBTQ judges been appointed to Appeals Courts, so there are a limited number of them. Cases involving the LGBTQ community require sensitivity and education about the community and individuals who are aware of the impact of the outcomes of the court's decisions and their consequences. If one accepts the common benchmark that ten percent of the population identifies as LGBTQ, then one would expect the same proportion of LGBTQ judges. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

LGBTQ judges bring their professional experience to the courts, including on important civil rights cases. As more LGBTQ judges get appointed to a country's legal infrastructure, so will the community be proportionately represented in its legal decisions and precedents.

We have identified the following LGBTQ individuals appointed to Appeals Courts.

See Also

Further Reading/Research

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