LGBTQ Individuals in the Fields of Sociology and Anthropology

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Sociology is the study of human life and behaviour in a social context. Anthropology is the broader study of humans and their evolution through time on a comparative basis, and incorporates archeology, culture, and linguistic studies. There is great similarity in the two studies, with sociology being a more micro concept and having a focus on social interactions, and anthropology taking a more macro perspective and focusing on culture. Both look at the way society influences people's lives through time.

As you can imagine, LGBTQ studies are present as a field of intellectual inquiry in both sociology and anthropology, if only as a subset of the larger study of human sexuality within each. The LGBTQ community is a subset of larger society and has its own identifiable social interactions, culture, and even language that has evolved over time. This is all worthy of study with a goal to advancing awareness and acceptance of the community and its history.

Methods of research study often includes participant observation. The big issue within the fields of study includes whether sexual behaviour is biologically or socially determined, or some combination of both. Another issue is whether homosexuality is a universal behaviour, present in all social communities through time and across geography.

There is a large community of notable LGBTQ individuals within the two fields of study. Studies of homosexuality are important to the advancement of both sociology and anthropology, and increasing numbers of LGBTQ individuals are being identified and are attracted to them.

There are professional organizations for LGBTQ sociologists and anthropologists. The Association for Queer Anthropology (AQA, and formerly the Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropolists (SOLGA)) was founded in 1988, and the European Network for Queer Anthropology (ENQUA) was founded in 2013. The American Sociological Association has both a Section on Sexualities and a Section on Sex & Gender, while the British Humanist Association has a LGBT Section. Each has a mission to promote communication, develop teaching materials, enhance networking and mentoring, and to serve as a professional network for the LGBTQ individuals within their fields of study.

We have identified the following notable LGBTQ individuals in the field of sociology and anthropology. To read their fascinating biographies, simply click on their names.










Great Britain


Ivory Coast


Puerto Rico



The Netherlands

United States

See Also

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