LGBTQ Founders and Executives with Charitable Foundations

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There are many LGBTQ individuals on record as founders or executives with Charitable Foundations around the world. Many of these charitable organizations specifically serve the LGBTQ community. Others are large global charitable organizations involved in a wide variety of activities, such as health, education, the environment, or book publishing. Still others are involved in local charitable work which serves a small and defined geographical region or purpose.

A good number of the Charitable organizations are devoted to research and support services for HIV/AIDS issues. This has been a traditional area of support for the international LGBTQ community since the crisis began in the mid-1980s. These organizations include large groups such as The Elton John AIDS Foundation or the American Foundation for AIDS Research (AMFAR), as well as local groups including the Casey House AIDS Foundation (Canada), the Terrance Higgins Trust (Great Britain), Jamaica AIDS Support, or the NAZ Foundation (India).

Other charitable organizations are devoted to advancing or protecting the rights of LGBTQ minorities in their country. One of the oldest is Germany's Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation. The Gill Foundation and Arcus Foundation in the United States have had a notable impact on that country's LGBTQ human rights movement after contributing millions of dollars of annual support to the cause. Despite this positive work, there still remains a shortage of organizations, active donors and support funds around the world for advancing the cause of equality.

There are prominent global charitable foundations that have been created by LGBTQ individuals or have senior management who are members of the community. The Rhodes Trust, founded by South Africa's Cecil Rhodes, is the largest global educational trust in the world and provides scholarships for students studying at The University of Oxford. The Ford Foundation in the United States, headed by gay Darren Walker, is the second largest private charitable trust in that country.

The LGBTQ founders of charitable foundations are either successful philanthropic business leaders, entertainers, or activists.

We have identified the following individuals who have either founded or act as senior Executive Officers with Charitable foundations around the world. This list does not include the large number of significant benefactors or volunteers that work such organizations, which will be reported on at a future date.







Great Britain



  • Robert Carr, Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Foundation, Jamaica Aids Support, International Council of AIDS Service Organisations



  • Kjell Erik Oie, Rachel Grepp Foundation, Home Start Norge, Det Norske Forbund av 1948


Puerto Rico


South Africa


The Netherlands



United States

See Also

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